Let's kick some ass!

" My lifelong dream is for every girl to unleash their wounds, heal their scars and to turn their lives and bodies into inner passion & unlimited possibility"- Catie

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Upcoming E-Course

Who is Ambrosia Girl?
Close your eyes. Picture a girl standing before you-underneath a beautiful, Lucius, glowing tree. There is a huge smile on her face. Wind blowing in her hair. Hands around her heart. She feels feminine. She is free. She is sexy, boundless.
This girl is you.
This E-course will connect you to the awareness of all that is there for you. All the abundance the universe is ready to reveal. You and your heart. You will discover how to open up and connect with your soul. Your whole being. Your purpose.
We are all ambrosia girls! We are all connected in this universe by an invisible string. So let us join together and explore all the universe has to offer. What we have to offer each other. Let us clear out all the cobwebs and ghosts we have in our closet, and truly live. Thrive. Love. Not only each other, but ourselves. Lets witness together, our true calling.
Registration for Winter 2011… I decided on this day, Feb. 14th, because If we do not love ourself first, we cannot pretend to love another.
Course: Ambrosia Girl
Dates: Begins Monday, Feb. 14th
Duration: 6 weeks
Registration Opens: November 15th, 2010
Registration is Closed When al 30 spaces in class are full.
Cost: 99.00
Join My mailing list and be notified of registration and Ambrosia girl E-course news.

On my journey, of finding true self-love, I have been asked by so many " how did you get thru all that?" Given away at birth, being adopted, abused, negleted, losing a child, losing yourself?
Sure, I had years of self - pity. There wasn't enough wine or marlboro lights to get me thru the days sometimes. I never dreamed that one body, one heart, one soul, could ever experience so much pain.
I created this E-course to share. Share our stories together. Tools that heped me along the way of self-acceptance. Including forgiveness, which is by far the hardest thing to do. Nourishing ourselves, inside and out- we have many chances in life. We only have one soul, one heart, one body. Lets learn to embrace it.
Join me on this journey to discover the one and only YOU.
Throughout this course, there will be assignments. Included will be journaling, photo assignments, meditations, wellbeing exercises, movies to watch, and much more.
There will be emails & video messages from me. Podcasts to listen to.
Guest video's. ( feel free to submit yours to share with me, or the whole class)
Access to private database where you can post all your assignments.


1. What is included in the course?
-private blog where I will post video messages & assignments throughout the week
-Free teleconferance calls, with the whole class. Or one on one calls if you want to be kept private.
-Private LOVE SPACE database where your assignments can be written, posted and discussed.
-For the luv of YOU... weekly inspirational emails.

2. What materials will I need?
-computer, internet access
-Journal & your choice of writing materials
-Camera ( you can eve use a disposable )
-Old magazines, crayons, watercolors, posterboard, etc...

3. Do I have to participate on conferance calls with the whole class?
-No... I can do one on one calls to keep private if you wish.

4. What will I gain thru this E-course?
-A journey to get you to stop the self-sabatoging, to empower all the negative self-talk. You will gain insight to your soul. Your hearts true desire. Self Love.
- You will gain insight you need to be courageous, loving, fulfilled. and most importantly, your truest gorgeous self.

5. Where do i begin?
- registration will be open November 15th. On the OPEN DAY ECOURSE page- the details of payment will be listed. I will then begin emailing materials, video on how to get a head start, and all my personal contact information.

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